The Tiger was their 6th kit in the numbering series , but I can't remember if it came out on schedule . Rubicon gives kits numbers when designing them but that doesn't mean it will come out in order, sometimes it takes a long time to get right . Lots of nice 1.35 Russian tank crews out there from Master Box & Mini Art . Word of caution , early Master Box figures tended to drift into 1/32 scale ( tall & chunky) , so they really looked out of place when mixed with other companies figures . Early Mini Art figures , on the other hand tended to be under scale and slim ( compare Perry to Warlord plastic s ) . A crew set I really like , plus its not very pricey , is this one from Tamiya
You get 6 figures , 1 seated , 1 half driver figure , 4 standing figures including 1 female . I think I've got 3 sets of these crewing various T-34s in my 1/35 plastic pile
I've seen photos were the hatch interiors are white on T-60 tanks . Pre war , when you didn't have to worry about being spotted from the air , white hatches were the norm , it gave better visibility when buttoned up . I would think as the war progressed they would start to paint the hatch interior the outside color , just as the USA got rid of the early bright yellow star and stripe turret markings , it gave the enemy something to aim at , who knew ?