The Crusader art is especially nice - and it even seems to have knocked out a Tiger!
The "not-an-Opel" art looks as though it's straight out of a scene from a war movie.
We have done a bit of research about this Crusader scene before work starts. It depicts a battle around Tunisia in which the British claimed 4 Tiger tanks using the Crusader 17 pdr guns during the Tunisian Campaign. There are historical photos of at least one Tiger being knocked out that way. Alan Moorehead's "African Trilogy" mentioned Tigers being knocked out, but does not say how, presumably for reasons of secrecy, the book was being written while the war was still on.
As for the Opel Blitz, we have made several changes before coming up with this scene. Is hard work for all these renderings. The artist need to build all the vehicle models again as the 3D drawings we used are not compatible (animation vs manufacturing design).
We are glad you like these box arts!