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Messages - han5gruber

Pages: [1]
Work In Progress / Re: SdKfz 251/1 Ausf. D - updated with more info!
« on: June 18, 2015, 05:44:38 pm »
Add the small orange part. 9 out of 10 games won't realise or care that its not historically correct.

Work In Progress / Re: SdKfz 251/1 Ausf. D - updated with more info!
« on: June 09, 2015, 05:50:36 am »
Great news!  The 'Stummel' is my favourite variant of the SdKfz 251, and your Ausf D kit is a really nice one, so it'll be a good excuse to buy more.

The SdKfz 251/3 seems like a good addition; I like the idea of a command half-track.  While the frame antenna is very iconic, it disappeared from command SPWs from about 1942. 

The SdKfz 251/22 would be a nice late war variant.  I'd also suggest that a mortar carrier would be useful.  Dunno about the others - the 'Drilling' certainly looked good.

I'm not entirely sure you are correct, here's a couple of photos from Budapest in 44 showing exactly what Rubicon is proposing.

Work In Progress / Re: Proposed Project: SdKfz 250 Alte or Neu ??
« on: May 07, 2015, 02:49:01 am »
The SdKfz 250 Neu is your safest bet as most people play late war. The bonus of being able to have interchangeable parts with the 251 is an awesome idea.

Work In Progress / Re: Opel Blitz
« on: April 27, 2015, 03:05:30 am »
The current setup of the Opel Blitz project is a base kit, much like the SdKFz 251D and the M3 half truck.  Will be adding expansion kit(s) to it... you will be amazed!

Can you give anymore info or teasers as to what they would be?

General Discussions / Re: Q1/2015 New Releases
« on: February 09, 2015, 05:52:20 am »
do any of the variants come with crew? I hate the ghost look on my open top vehicles!

Work In Progress / Re: Proposed Project: US Tank Destroyer
« on: February 09, 2015, 05:50:23 am »
I voted the Hellcat. A nice mod for the model would be the 90mm M36 turret for the Hellcat; they made at least one.

several examples are photographed in 1945!

that said I'm sure rule systems just allow for the 76mm version so the 90mm wouod be a waste of time from that point of view

Work In Progress / Re: Proposed Project: Tiger II
« on: February 09, 2015, 05:46:20 am »
one of the main reasons that i haven't bought the warlord panther or tiger I is that the Zimmerit looks horrid.

Work In Progress / Re: Proposed Project: Tiger II
« on: February 03, 2015, 08:04:56 am »
You could make it without zimmerit and include a "tool" similar to the link below. That would enable people to apply their own and take up a small amount of space on the sprue. Or you could make your own small sprue with it, that way even your tiger I kit could have proper zimmerit!

Pages: [1]