I checked on the Hobbysearch site ( they show the plans, paint schemes and sprues of most model kits ) , the Komatsu is 75mm long, it's blade about 35 ( guesstimation
) . The Sherman blade is 65mm wide . Really can't see a viable way to kit bash the Komatsu , arms and hydralics would have to be scratched as well . Not to mention your chopping up a $30 ( in Canada ) kit . With the Company B kit costing less than half , you could probably get 2 shipped for about that price . Not wanting to hinder anyone in a building project , but its IMO way too much work for something thats already available . Mind you the Company B kit will tax your skills with super glue and white metal , plus there's the additional things you might want to add ( control hydralic hose , guatd , etc ) If you do decide to bash the Komatsu , your a better man than I am ....