Been busy the last while , so didn't seem to finish anything .And then all of a sudden ,things seemed to get finished . Got myself my 4th box of PSC Russian 45mm AT guns ( I love these things ) . As I have 6 guns set up in firing position I thought I would build a crew moving their gun , something like this
The figures are from the BA plastic Russian set with a few leg swaps and the odd tweak to the hands .
This wip has the 76mm Infantry gun which I decided to use elsewhere , so I changed it to the long barreled 45
While researching the gun and its crews I found that there are 2 types of ammo boxes seen with the 45mm gun , a 10 round wooden box ( 2x5 rounds , 55-75 pounds ) and a metal brief case looking thing (5 rounds , 25 -35 pounds ) , the weight depends on type of rounds .
So I made a few using Plastruct siding , giving the built crew 2 , having 2 more to add to figures I will build at a later date