The real problem in designing a Sherman kit is the number of manufacturors that made parts , There were ,7 or 8 factories that assembled them , some from their own parts , and some ie turret , wheels & track , from smaller compaines . Each company large and small , as the war dragged on , redesigned their product for ease of manufactor / man hours , cost and availabilty of raw materials . So you might have , due to avalabilty, , 2 or 3 styles of , say mantle or radio ant . pot or driver hoods . The vehicles in museums and public displays have been cobbled together from a 1 to 1 scale parts box , of things built 70 years ago . I think Rubicon is doing pretty good in getting things designed as well as they possibly can . Will they get it 100 % right ? Probably not , but then IMO no other kit manufacteror in any scale has . And if the kit comes with something I don't like or want changed because its to early war / late war , I'll fix it , cause that's part of my hobbty