On valentine my wife brought me a Tiger, I want a Wehrmacht machine for my fictional White Rose group, that aid the Allies in our Weird War 2. As they are under supplied their vehicles tend to be damaged and well loaded with a White Rose replacing the usual Red Swastika Aircraft flag. I decided to damage the skirts and drill out the rear shackle pins, the high was the skirts damaged with ease and I think look quite effective. The low was the dam shackles, usually I cut them completely off along with any lifting pins and replace them with metal jewellery items. This time, however, they looked so nice, I decided to drill and file them. Quite a while later, after drilling both, I broke both of them off whilst filing. Back to the drawing board and replace. Now I am pleased with them. Few more bits to do and then all the bedding and extra tackle to put on, spares etc and I can start the paintwork. Cheers.