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Messages - Ballardian

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 19
General Discussions / Re: Painting German vehicles
« on: June 11, 2021, 02:37:32 pm »
I think Tracks has covered the subject excellently, the only thing I’ve got to add is that in the Vallejo Panzer Aces range, there’s a colour called ‘Canvas’. It’s a pale-ish green/beige colour that’s neutral enough to be useful. :)

General Discussions / Re: UK store Tiger II re-stock
« on: April 01, 2021, 11:57:23 pm »
 They seem to be back in stock, (as it's just let me order one), I look forward to getting my hands on it :)

Wish Lists / Re: Late War Quartet
« on: March 29, 2021, 11:57:30 pm »
 I wouldn't turn down a superior plastic JS III either, for weird war puposes :)

General Discussions / Re: UK store Tiger II re-stock
« on: March 16, 2021, 03:46:30 am »
Excellent news

General Discussions / UK store Tiger II re-stock
« on: March 15, 2021, 08:17:36 pm »
Having a project in mind, I was wondering when the UK store might get a re-stock of the Tiger II kits, (I’m after one without Zimmerit).

Wish Lists / Re: How about a Churchill?
« on: March 08, 2021, 11:59:13 pm »
I agree that the Warlord/Italeri kit is decent, but my point was that you couldn’t make either the Mk’s I/II or VII/VIII from it - which precludes representing Dieppe or some N African models, or one of the principal post-Normandy marks. Hence there’s a gap for a good plastic model (the JTFM resin one is good and the Warlord version is ok, but a plastic one would be preferable).

Wish Lists / How about a Churchill?
« on: March 06, 2021, 12:31:40 am »
 Given the recent excellent Valentine kits, is it perhaps finally time for a Churchill? The existing Warlord/Italeri kit is decent, but precludes making either early (MkI or II 2pdr armed variants) or late (MkVII/VIII) versions.
 The external hull appearance doesn't change dramatically across the marks (downward facing air-intake louvres give way to upward facing, the number of slats on the rear air intake increases, up-armoured sides to the track sponsons on the 'Heavy' MkVII/VIII etc.), with the main differences being the turrets (early small cast for the 2pdr, the welded and cast variants for the 6pdr armed tanks, the NA75 with its re-purposed Sherman 75mm & new cast turrets for the subsequent models).
 It could probably be done with 2 different kits, covering the earlier and later models respectively - and since the Churchill should probably be regarded as the most significant British made tank of the war - in production for most of the conflict, serving in North Africa, the disastrous Dieppe landings,  the ETO and in the East under lend-lease, it would seem that one is due - any chance?

Wish Lists / Re: M5A1/t8 interior & crew
« on: January 20, 2021, 06:49:22 pm »
 I've just noticed that Rubicon make some crew figres suitable for a recce Stuart, so that's half the problem sorted  - though I still think a resin interior piece would be a nice, simple project.

Wish Lists / Re: M5A1/t8 interior & crew
« on: January 16, 2021, 07:26:12 pm »
 Thanks for the book tips Ripley, I'll have a look for them.

Wish Lists / M5A1/t8 interior & crew
« on: January 16, 2021, 12:50:00 am »

 Having just picked up an M5A1/Recce kit, and planning on the latter, I think that an interior kit, along with a couple of standing crew seems to be a reasonable candidate for a resin add-on. I took a look at Pinky's old thread regarding his kit-bash & agree that it's quite hard to find images of the M5 version's interior (does the Hunicutt Stuart book have any useful images?)  - though I realise that the conversions were on  fairly ad-hoc basis.

Showcase & Gallery / Re: Heisler's WIPs
« on: December 24, 2020, 10:36:34 pm »
Tracks, I've found Mig Ammo paints to generally be excellent, with decently accurate colours (they do go in for 'scale reduction' - lightening the actual colour, such as Dunkelgelb, which would look quite dark on a scale model). They are formulated mainly for airbrush use, so more like Model Air in that sense, and through an airbrush I've found them very well behaved - good coverage & colour saturation, and I've rarely had problems with clogging. They've become my favourite acrylic paint, with only lacquer-based stuff like the AK Real Color or Tamiya ranges giving (slightly) better results - at the cost of being a little more fiddly to use (they smell more & require their own thinners & airbrush cleaners).
  I hope thats of some help :)

(There's a couple of Shermans, a Panther F and a Steyr Waffentrager painted using the Mig paints in my WIP threads) 

I would second UVS's desire for both early and late cabs to be included if possible, but it'll be great to see one in plastic either way.

That's just gorgeous 8) I'd toyed with making a 'mattress on the roof' type add on, but thankfully you've saved me from my ham-fisted attempts & produced this loveliness.

Showcase & Gallery / Re: Guilty Pleasures - The Lock Down Version
« on: April 14, 2020, 10:08:28 pm »
Well, it's a lot harder to ignore all the Netflix goodies (finally succumbed to the likes of Ozark and Altered Carbon) when trapped at home for starters. The improving literature has also taken something of a back seat, but have enjoyed both Boris Kaverlerchik's, 'The Tanks Of Operation Barbarossa' (which I'd heartily recommend for it's clear-eyed approach to the early portion of the conflict in the East) and Roman Toeppel's 'Kursk 1943', (which is a little chewier, but also an excellent myth-buster. It's also waaaay shorter than Glantz's book/RSJ).
 On the relevant hobby side, since it doesn't look like the resin Pz.IV tracks are going to be appearing anytime soon, (I hope, once the current emergency is over - & by the way, stay safe gentlemen & women - that they'll be able to overcome the production issues they had with them - they looked too good to give up on them) I returned to my partially completed Pz.IV's & used the plastic tracks provided. Though at least it means I can finish them now.

Showcase & Gallery / Re: FLAK88
« on: December 06, 2019, 02:02:48 am »
Very nice :)

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