Author Topic: King Tiger - Assembly Video 201106  (Read 79208 times)


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Re: A New Plastic Project for 2019 - 190224
« Reply #15 on: February 25, 2019, 11:40:24 pm »
I think Rubicon should admit I am 100% correct, and then I will confess as to how I hacked their system and determined exactly what is in that image :-)

Hmmm...  our image filename ::)
Next time make it generic!

Yeah, I simply grabbed the image and dragged it to my desktop, was going to see if there were shades of "something" to be discovered if the image was manipulated, and the title of the image was right there :-)

All of which means, next time, you can title it Hephalumps and Woozles or something, and really throw us off the track!

Rubicon Models

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Re: A New Plastic Project for 2019 - 190224
« Reply #16 on: February 25, 2019, 11:57:31 pm »
This is our 1st 2019 "NEW" project, nothing from the past...

At present, there are no drawings, nothing at all; just ideas that we had been brainwashing ourselves at the studio. 

This is going to be a very challenging project as it involves a lot of new things that we'd not tried before... many "first" for us!

So stay tuned!  ;)


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Re: A New Plastic Project for 2019 - 190224
« Reply #17 on: February 26, 2019, 04:18:54 am »
Hmm , so maybe a 1/56 scale kit with interior ? While I think that might be cool , from  the experience of building 1/35 kits with internal goodies and adding various bits to my own 1/56 builds , unless you have a way of displaying the vehicle pretty much  dis assembled , really not too much can be seen through the various engine / transmission , etc access hatches . That being said , yes , I want full internal detailed kits ..  I might not be able to see it , but I'll know  it's in there  ::)
Here's a Tiger II engine deck with the only crew accessible ( without major tools and equipment ) hatch open ( ok , it actually missing  ::)  .

And here's a Tiger II engine compartment with the deck totally removed , lots of cool stuff , huh ? , But with the deck in place and hatch open , you would only see the air filters ( circled in red ) , not too exciting .....

So although I think this would be cool , and I would get the kit if it was produced , I'm wondering if it's really worth the effort . Lots of 1/35 guys I know who do buy the full interior kits ( Takom , Meng , RYE Field ) , for the most part  end up using just the bits that can be seen through the hatches . OK , there is that one guy who goes all out adding spark plug wires and brake lines , etc , etc , but I've always thought he was a just a little bit strange........
« Last Edit: February 26, 2019, 04:40:48 am by ripley »


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Re: A New Plastic Project for 2019 - 190224
« Reply #18 on: February 26, 2019, 04:37:16 am »
If a 1/56 scale kit with a full interior is what Rubicon is going for, this would put the upcoming kit in the scale model category,  not so much in the wargaming kit category.  I'm fine either way, but if Rubicon is going to make a kit with engine or/and full interior, then I feel that they should address the lack of detail on the rear section of   tracks on their kits.


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Re: A New Plastic Project for 2019 - 190224
« Reply #19 on: February 26, 2019, 01:16:56 pm »
If a 1/56 scale kit with a full interior is what Rubicon is going for, this would put the upcoming kit in the scale model category,  not so much in the wargaming kit category.  I'm fine either way, but if Rubicon is going to make a kit with engine or/and full interior, then I feel that they should address the lack of detail on the rear section of   tracks on their kits.

I agree.  I think it's odd to be focusing on subject matter suitable to display models in what is essentially a wargaming scale, but if we're heading into display model territory then wargame-friendly features like simplified tracks become and issue.  More importantly, I feel that engines and other interior parts are best suited to resin, and the apparently limited plastic moulding resources should be directed at expanding the range of vehicles.  There are still so many that people are waiting to see in plastic.

Of course, we may be misunderstanding what this image is hinting at.

Rubicon Models

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Re: A New Plastic Project for 2019 - 190224
« Reply #20 on: February 26, 2019, 01:42:38 pm »
We are still exploring different approaches to this project. 

We know our trade and we are quite confident that we can come up with something that will please both the military modelling and tabletop gaming communities.

We already have the product specifications drawn up... awaiting final meeting to finalise it.



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Re: A New Plastic Project for 2019 - 190224
« Reply #21 on: March 13, 2019, 05:30:00 pm »
Here is a list of features I would like this project not to have...
D shaped peg for the barrel pieces that allow about ten degrees of rotation making alignment difficult.
Periscopes with D shaped pegs that allow 360 degree rotation.
Turret sides that have no pegs etc to make putting six pieces together at the same time that require four hands to hold them in place while the glue sets.
Wedge shaped holes that will not take the wedge shaped pegs on the running gear making alignment a bit hit and miss.
Having two identical parts with identical numbers on different sprues (making you think you have put the shovel on the wrong side, taking it off and then losing it - the latter is just me...).
Two complete turrets (okay, in my case almost two complete turrets - the second turret is shy a lifting rin, see shovel above) but you can only use one because of the addition of the armoured ring on the deck.
Drilling the locating hole for a lift ring IN THE WRONG HALF OF THE MOULD! so you have a raised pip instead of a hole.
Putting the wrong captions on the painting guide.

I am sure these (and others that have been wiped from my memory) are not features any of your kits will feature.

I now feel much calmer and will return to my Firefly Hybrid with renewed enthusiasm....
« Last Edit: March 13, 2019, 06:36:13 pm by ultravanillasmurf »

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Re: A New Plastic Project for 2019 - Yes or No? 190401
« Reply #22 on: April 01, 2019, 12:48:20 pm »
As everyone is expecting...  More info will follow!



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Re: A New Plastic Project for 2019 - Yes or No? 190401
« Reply #23 on: April 01, 2019, 12:51:59 pm »
Oh yes please . So what if  I've already got 3 by those  other guys , I want another one , or two


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Re: A New Plastic Project for 2019 - Yes or No? 190401
« Reply #24 on: April 01, 2019, 02:26:12 pm »
Definitely yes (though I only have one: from someone else, but you know how that is going).


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Re: A New Plastic Project for 2019 - Yes or No? 190401
« Reply #25 on: April 01, 2019, 05:55:16 pm »
I hope I'm not in the minority here, but rather than a new SdKfz 182 Tiger Ausf B plastic kit, I would very much like to see Rubicon Models spend their time, efforts, and funds on releasing plastic kits of something like Allied AT-Guns, SdKfz 10 German half-track, and M3 Medium (Lee/Grant) because these plastic kits would be far more preferable.

Its not because Italeri already released a King Tiger - and I don't even have one of those - it's because the SdKfz 10 German half-track, M3 Medium (Lee/Grant), and Allied AT-Guns kits by Rubicon Models would be far more welcomed/helpful/useful to the average gamer than yet another plastic King Tiger (Tiger Ausf B) kit.

I do not know about other gaming clubs, but in my gaming group, we have a couple of 1:56n (28mm) scale King Tigers and they rarely (if ever) see the gaming table.

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Re: A New Plastic Project for 2019 - Yes or No? 190401
« Reply #26 on: April 01, 2019, 06:07:11 pm »
I hope I'm not in the minority here, but rather than a new SdKfz 182 Tiger Ausf B plastic kit, I would very much like to see Rubicon Models spend their time, efforts, and funds on releasing plastic kits of something like Allied AT-Guns, SdKfz 10 German half-track, and M3 Medium (Lee/Grant) because these plastic kits would be far more preferable.

As mentioned earlier in this post, there are a lot of things that we would like to try out with this new King Tiger project.  Many FIRST for us in terms of design and production techniques.  These experience will help us gain more insights into doing better British tanks with their bolts and nuts.  Here is a brief update on our current design schedule...

1) Allied AT-Guns - on queue, almost there!
2) SdKfz 10 Half-Track - on queue, will start late this year
3) M3 Lee/Grant - will start right after M4A1 move into mould making

So it wasn't that bad.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2019, 06:08:49 pm by Rubicon Models »


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Re: A New Plastic Project for 2019 - Yes or No? 190401
« Reply #27 on: April 01, 2019, 09:36:22 pm »
Could you give us a time frame for when the M4A1 will go into mold making, and what quarter it will be released??


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Re: A New Plastic Project for 2019 - Yes or No? 190401
« Reply #28 on: April 01, 2019, 11:12:19 pm »

 Well...While I can't say it's the highest priority for me, I can see myself picking up a couple - it's likely to be superior to the WG/Italeri version and is an iconic vehicle - my 10 year-old self wouldn't forgive me if I didn't get at least one (though some of those excellent resin tracks would make it more attractive - their size would make the extra detail shine out). That it probably doesn't have molded on Zim is a definite plus - though a transfer set (such as you can get for 1/35 or 1/48) could provide it if you wanted it.


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Re: A New Plastic Project for 2019 - Yes or No? 190401
« Reply #29 on: April 01, 2019, 11:41:48 pm »

 Well...While I can't say it's the highest priority for me, I can see myself picking up a couple - it's likely to be superior to the WG/Italeri version and is an iconic vehicle - my 10 year-old self wouldn't forgive me if I didn't get at least one (though some of those excellent resin tracks would make it more attractive - their size would make the extra detail shine out). That it probably doesn't have molded on Zim is a definite plus - though a transfer set (such as you can get for 1/35 or 1/48) could provide it if you wanted it.
I have to agree with you there. The mention of new techniques makes me wonder about Zimmerit in decal form as well.

I like the big and shiny stuff (I build for me not really for gaming - that gives some direction though).

The soft skin half tracks do not have the shiny factor. I understand the need, I just do not feel it.

British guns, on the other hand, now that is another matter (please sir can we have a 25 pounder as well?).

The M4A1 is mildly interesting,  and the M3 only because it opens up the opportunity for the Sexton etc.

Encouraged that they are looking at British vehicles with rivets. Now that is an opportunity to part me from my money.