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Messages - ripley

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 [7] 8 9 ... 124
General Discussions / Re: M4A2 75 decal help
« on: July 01, 2020, 11:23:20 pm »
Brit & US Tanks of WW2 ( Chamberlin / Ellis ) says only US forces to receive M4A2 were USMC , all others went to lend lease , Russians got about 2000 of the 75mm version 

General Discussions / Re: M4A2 75 decal help
« on: July 01, 2020, 10:34:04 pm »
As smurf says , we need more info . Do want another US tank ? Or maybe a lend lease vehicle used by the Russians or various armies of the commonwealth ( Brits , Canucks , South Africa , new Zealand , Czechs , Poles , Free French , etc ) Also a view of the other decal sets you have would help . There are many possabilities  if you mix and match decals , even going as far as cutting out single numbers / letters to make the exact serial number you want

General Discussions / Re: New Releases 2020 Wave 1 200626
« on: June 28, 2020, 11:41:04 am »
I bet a few guys on here won't know who Carnac is

What I mean is that they don't ft the usual idea of a draft / farm type work horse . And yes they are very nice horses that should cross over into many game eras or dioramas .

 Yes they are rather slim for work horses , but I would think most large draft animals would have been "borrowed " by the local or invading armies to haul goods wagons or artillery ( or maybe for lunch ! ) . Most WW2 pictures show very gaunt horses pulling the refugee wagons .  Post war these would be more for riding than hauling carts IMO. 

Showcase & Gallery / Re: Spare parts
« on: June 24, 2020, 11:16:42 pm »
Very nice . Lots of uses for all those spare bits if you think outside the box . 

General Discussions / Re: Otter in resin ?
« on: June 23, 2020, 12:04:20 am »
I'm sorry to hear that . It's too bad the master  didn't get sold to another company . It's a really nice looking model and I'm sure lots of Commonwealth modelers would have got one .if it was available . By the time I got into 1/56 and found out about Neucraft , they were all ready closing down .

They look great

General Discussions / Re: Otter in resin ?
« on: June 22, 2020, 04:47:47 am »
Neucraft  , right . Thanks

General Discussions / Re: Happy Father's Day 2020! 200621
« on: June 22, 2020, 04:47:10 am »
I agree as well , the hands need some work . That being said , for the most part I replace arms / hands on pretty much all figures I build . I do  get a little tired of tank commanders holding binocs / maps or worse yet , pointing at something . Deal breaker ? No , its an easy fix with bits from the parts box . Has anyone ever seen the diorama someone posted on Armorama  of all the 1/35th Tamiya pointing figures ? Must of had  60 odd figures on the base , it was epic

General Discussions / Otter in resin ?
« on: June 21, 2020, 11:44:05 pm »
 The company who Rubicon got the molds for their French tanks and Citron also had a very nice model of the Otter . Does anyone know if the molds were purchased by someone ? Or does anyone remember the Company name so I can try and find one on E bay . I used to have all the info saved but doing a "spring cleaning " of my saved files , I seem to have deleted it

Sorry about that , I just saw the Jadg IV box cover  and got all excited . I wonder why no other model companies have jumped into the 1/56 market ? PSC just has their 3 figure kits ( so - so )  and the 45mm guns ( excellent ) , but so much of their stuff could be up scaled if they really wanted to . There are lots of very nice resin pieces out there ( Trenchworks , JTFM ) bur man are they $$$.

Rubicon already make a Stug III G kit , number  280017 ( 2015 )  , with the StuH barrel plus  3 different roof options , Pig's Head mantle , add on front hull armor plates and 2 MG shield types , a very nice kit although the lower nose plate angle  is  wrong  IMO . An early short barrel Stug III would probably go over well with the early war gamers . I've often wondered why Rubicon didn't mold all the panzer IV lower hull , track , wheels etc on one sprue , then it would be so easy to just make a new upper hull / gun sprue or two for various panzer IV types like you mentioned .  Dragon seems to do this a lot in their various 1/35 kits , although you do end up with lots of extra parts left over , not a bad thing if you like kit bashing IMO

Work In Progress / Re: British Centurion TS1 Plastic 200619
« on: June 19, 2020, 10:55:05 pm »
That looks fantastic . I guess I'll be getting some post WW2 tanks now

Showcase & Gallery / Re: Various WIP
« on: June 19, 2020, 11:27:58 am »
Thank you . This kind of kit bashing is lots of fun . And I still have 3 more W T-34/85s that might get tank riders . Maybe a set of winter Russians  ? Hmm

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