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Wish Lists / Re: Products hopefully still in the pipeline
« Last post by ripley on August 29, 2024, 10:07:45 pm »
I would like to see Rubicon produce some WW 2 plastic troop sets , but 1st I would like them to release the vehicles I posted about in my post above ,2 years ago .  Rubicon could at least give us an ETA on when the kits will be released . The other guys previewed winter US & FJ boxes plus a Bedford truck 3 months ago , due out in September ......... got my order in
Wish Lists / Re: Products hopefully still in the pipeline
« Last post by Chimaera on August 29, 2024, 07:45:45 pm »
Purely a wish but would love to see Rubicon produce multi part plastic miniatures kits, just because I think they would be superior to any currently on the market. From a selfish perspective, British Para’s and some late German Infantry would be awesome.
Showcase & Gallery / Re: Work in Progress / Kit Bashing Summer 2024
« Last post by ripley on August 28, 2024, 03:39:34 am »
A really great kit to get various game play options with very little work is the T-26 kit

 I went for the plan jane T-26 1933 version , adding various tools and a partial turret interior with gun breach and ammo racks , quite visible  with the hatches open .

 After picking up some reference books and checking out the left over kit parts I realized I could make the upper hull removable to give me the option of building other types . I decided I would cast the driver's visor to glue it to each upper hull instead of glueing it to the single lower hull .  I  pushed the visor into modelling clay a half dozen times and poured resin . A real easy way to make parts that only need detail on one side . .When hard , these were sanded to needed thickness .  Here's the versions I can use in my army

Since I was using the earlier style fender supports ( parts 14,15,16,17 ) I didn't end up using the later 1938 style turret . It might end up used as a bunker turret .  Here are the various pieces for this tank , the resin driver's visor in red . The 45mm gun and flame gun mantle ( blue ) are removable as they can be used in the same turret

All in all a great little kit . Only negatives out of the box are lack of tools ,  and a lot of pictures show a stowage box on both fenders , the kit gives you one .  Probably easy to cast it in resin or craft out of plastic sheet , I didn't bother as my hulls have enough bits added to them . Tools should be easy to scratch up or find in parts box , the screw jack is a HO scale model train part .
Showcase & Gallery / Work in Progress / Kit Bashing Summer 2024
« Last post by ripley on August 26, 2024, 10:48:54 am »
Thought I'ld start a new thread as the last one I had hasn't been updated for over 2 years .  Here's a couple of ideas on how to get some extra milage out of the GAZ AA/AAA truck . I've built 2 , your bog standard AAA and one with the resin box body

 I then purchased the quad Maxim mg mount and dropped in the cargo bed of the truck

 I had a few seated resin Russians in the paint que and decided to add them to my truck as well

How did I manage to mount both the quad mgs and the troops to the same truck you ask ? Easy , I just mounted them on a drop in floor ( plastic siding material cut to size )

But what to do with the left over pieces from the box body kit ? I built a trailer

 Quite an easy kit bash really , I just looked at some of the pickup truck body trailers a lot of the local farmers have and copied it in plastic

1st remove drive train and plastic between the side rails

2nd  bend side rails together to create tongue , add axle, wheels , tow ring , and whatever bits and pieces that take your fancy . I glued some fuel drums and a tarped stack of boxes trying to not overload the "1 ton " capacity of the trailer .

Wish Lists / Re: Cold War Armor
« Last post by Ursus Maior on July 08, 2024, 07:36:07 pm »
second that for the m48, m60s m109, t62 bmps
Second for your list with additions:

  • M48A5 and really interested in M48A2GA2 and M48A5MOLF. The latter adds a German laser rangefinder and is used by the Greek Army, the former is the German equivalent to the American A5. It features a new cast gun mantlet and MG3 machine gun ring mounted on new circular cast commander's cupola. Additionally, a passive IR sight, the PZB200, and German smoke dischargers were installed.
  • M60A1 RISE Passive and M60A3 TTS are something I'd really like to see with BLAZER armor as an optional add-on sold separately.
  • T-62, especially with an option to build the T-62M version from 1983.
  • Leopard 1, with options Leopard 1A5, Leopard 1A1A4, Leopard 1A3 and Leopard 1A4 in that order being most interesting.
  • a Marder 1A3 model would catapult us into the 1990s era, interesting for Yugoslavia and later conflicts.
  • M47, the NATO standard tank of the 1950s and also used by Yugoslavia in no small numbers; optional parts to build the Spanish variants - M47E2 most notably - would be highly welcome!
  • M2 and M3 Bradley in their A0 original production version.
  • MT-LB, the Soviet counterpart to the ubiquitous M113.

Picture of the M48A2GA2:
New assembly instructions have been added.  ;)
Wish Lists / Re: SD KFZ 232 Schwere Panzerspähwagen 8-Rad
« Last post by ripley on May 09, 2024, 09:35:52 am »
That would be a great kit .  I'ld have to get a 3 pack and build one of each
Wish Lists / SD KFZ 232 Schwere Panzerspähwagen 8-Rad
« Last post by Jaeger on May 07, 2024, 11:16:30 am »
For early war and Afrika:  Schwere Panzerspähwagen (Fu) (Sd. Kfz. 232) (8-Rad) mit Einheitssehklappen.
This heavy armoured car along with the Sd Kfz 263 were very present from 1939 until 1943.
The Sd Kfz 233 also shares the same chassis.  All three could be in the same kit.
Official Assembly Instructions / Re: 280126 M102 105mm Light Howitzer
« Last post by Rubicon Models on April 10, 2024, 01:09:37 pm »
Amendment for M102 105mm Light Howitzer (280126)

For those who have our first production run, there are label errors on STEP 10 which have been updated accordingly.
Please make sure you are using the following reference during assembly.

Upload Date: 240410
Official Assembly Instructions / 280141 M48A3 Patton / M67A1 Zippo
« Last post by Rubicon Models on April 09, 2024, 05:15:19 pm »
Assembly Instruction for M48A3 Patton / M67A1 Zippo (280141)


Upload Date: 240409
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