Author Topic: Introduce Yourself Here...  (Read 98576 times)

Rubicon Models

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Introduce Yourself Here...
« on: September 09, 2014, 09:30:50 pm »
Please feel free to write up something yourself here...
Just add to the post below... and welcome to our forum!



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Re: Introduce Yourself Here...
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2014, 11:45:27 pm »
HI, here are my technical Data ;-)

Born 1967 in northern Germany, where i still live with 2 Kids and a wife. Did 4 Years in the German Army as a Panzergrenadier, worked 16 Years for a well knows Toy Soldiers Company and currently working for the local Newspaper.

Started Building Model-Tanks and painting Toy Soldiers 40 years ago with 1:72 Airfix Models, moved on to 1:35 Tamiya and the like, then quit the historical scene and did Fantasy and Sci-Fi  Models only. Know i back with a Vengance painting 1:56 Stuff. Latest Projekts:
2000 points mid War Eastfront Germans for Boltaction
1000 points US Army for Bolt Action
And just recently started on a DAK Army for Tank wars. So i can't wait to get my grubby little Fingers on 5 Panzer IIIs and 5 Panzer IVs from Rubicon ;-)


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Re: Introduce Yourself Here...
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2014, 12:34:26 am »
Hi, nice and roomy here :-)

I am far to old to be playing with toy soldiers but that never stopped me. Did my time on THAT fantasy game and enjoyed it until they screwed it over too much. Now all historical with predominantly Warlord Games rules plus a few other of what we call 'samll games' ir skirmished with a couple of dozen models max and a board full of terrain.

Bolt Action is by far my favourite WW2 game and although I have predominantly Germans (Heer, Fallshirmjaeger and SS) I am working my way around the world by army. In many ways it takes me back to the endless Airfix kits of my childhood but with games attached.

BTW I answer to Terry although my username is Morsleib


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Re: Introduce Yourself Here...
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2014, 04:27:54 pm »
So here's me;
Born in 1955! Joined British army in 71' went in to the armoured corps, served in Chieftains for 12 yrs. Left, joined the TA, did 12 yrs with them, started off doing Airfix tanks and kits as a young lad, plus the toy soldiers, wargamed for hours in the garden lol! Moved on to Napoleonics then back to WW2, and that's been the story of me, back and forth. Had two sons, one grew up interested in wargaming, he went it to Warhammer  :o  but he also shows an interest in Vikings and WW2, so we do have something in common. Recenty decided to go in to WW2 propper, in 15mm, the main reason is we want to do 1946, what if, and we can only get the required vehicles from Heer46 in 15mm, then I saw Rubicon! So now we are doing both  :o
I'm painting 15mm figs and vehicles and 28mm plastic Brits, Germans and Russians and saving madly for the release of the Rubicon tanks  :) :)


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Re: Introduce Yourself Here...
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2014, 05:44:53 am »
Hey there. I'm an Aussie who started off playing GW games nearly two decades ago. Started my first historical type game with Bolt Action 18 months ago and am a regular contributor on the LRDG podcast and over at (a fan site not officially affiliated with Warlord Games).
Unable to restrain myself I have large Bolt Action armies for the Germans, Soviets, Finns, Hungarians and Canadian Paras. Looking for to adding some Rubicon tanks to the mix and doing some reviews to help spread the word.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2014, 05:52:46 am by Anfernee »


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Re: Introduce Yourself Here...
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2014, 07:18:29 am »
Hi Hi

Just started playing bolt action in August. I have been modeling and painting minitures since the late 80s, started out with Battletech. My first miniature ever was an Atlas I painted pink and purple with pink and purple polkadots.

I'm building an 82nd Airborne army for Bolt Action, my Grandfather was a medic with the 82nd. I really love what I see in the Rubicon models and can't wait to get my hands on them.


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Re: Introduce Yourself Here...
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2014, 09:20:50 pm »
Hi all

judgedoug here, from other various forums (TMP, Dakka)

Started with Battletech, Space Hulk, 40k back in 1990...

Current fav games are Bolt Action, Battletech/Alpha Strike, Deadzone, Dreadball, Warmahordes, Ga Pa, Warlord Trilogy (Hail Caesar, Pike & Shotte, Black Powder)

For 28mm WW2 I have a Fallschirmjager, German Heer, and Polish forces. Just got Tank War and can't wait to buy a giant pile of Rubicon's tanks as I'm looking to play Kursk, haha.


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Re: Introduce Yourself Here...
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2014, 09:24:17 am »
Hi. I am an American living in San Antonio, TX. I play Bolt Action buy have been playing war games fr about 45 years. Love the simplicity of Bolt Action and the infantry-oriented slant of the game. I hope they keep it that way. WW2 was an infantry war after all and despite what most Americans think, I realize it was really won on the Russian front.

I am a veteran twice, once in the US Army with the 2nd Ranger Battalion for 2 years and 5 years with the 2nd REP in the FFL.

I love the Rubicon prototypes and can't wait for the models to become available.

Dale "Bronco" Himebaugh

Drake Corbett

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Re: Introduce Yourself Here...
« Reply #8 on: October 04, 2014, 03:16:20 am »
Hi there,
I am Bernhard, 31, Served with the German Luftwaffe and work now for the deutsche Bahn as controller.
I startet with Battletech some 16 years ago, Played  flames of war and came to Bolt Action a Year ago.

When i First heared about rubicon via Facebook, i got amazed! Can't wait for the Models!

Hope you do some StuG IV and you have a Fan for life :)


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Re: Introduce Yourself Here...
« Reply #9 on: October 05, 2014, 04:44:09 pm »
Hallo, I am Matthias.  Have been messing about with to soldiers and tanks for over 40 years. 

Of German/Afrikaner/Irish descent marooned in England due to financial ties!  Will be off to live in Württemberg or Bayern as soon as I am able.

Married with three kids.

That's me!


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Re: Introduce Yourself Here...
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2014, 12:00:11 am »
Hi guys,
I'm Tony. Been on the planet since 1955, been a wargamer since the late 60s. Wrote a WW2 set of rules for me and my brothers to wage war with Airfix soldiers and tanks in the loft. Got seriously into Squad Leader  in the 80's and Johnnie Reb a bit later. Spent the past 20 years as a re-enactor. Tried Flames of war, didn't enjoy it too much, same with Warhammer (too expensive). Now into Bolt Action and Hail Caesar. Got  Late War German, Late War British and Late War Soviet forces. So it seems Ive come full circle back to WW2. Just need some of these here Rubicon tanks to make a really formidable set of armies.

lou passejaire

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Re: Introduce Yourself Here...
« Reply #11 on: October 11, 2014, 01:49:29 am »
patrick, french , born in 1956 .


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Re: Introduce Yourself Here...
« Reply #12 on: October 11, 2014, 02:23:05 am »
Hello all, I'm Matt from London, have been gaming for a looong time & have to say that these kits look great, I'll take plastic over resin/pewter any day - ease of assembly/conversion potential makes them very attractive - I eagerly await their release.
 I began with WWII gaming in the 70's (20mm - 1/72 & 1/35 modelling) before moving on to the standard big company games. Have gradually swung back toward WWII & various skirmish level games (Strange Aeons, Pulp Alley, Malifaux etc).
 Look forward to handing over some money!


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Re: Introduce Yourself Here...
« Reply #13 on: October 11, 2014, 02:38:51 am »
Hey, I'm Elias and in from Cambridge in the UK.

I've been in "the hobby" for most of my life, around 24yrs now since space crusade in 1990. You name it, I've probably played it at some point.

Ex-GW staff, ex-independent store staff, current war gaming club organiser (

A group of 4-5 of us play bolt action and we all play different nations (luckily!), looking forward to the sherman so I can finally have a plastic 76mm and the Panzer III and Tiger I for when I start my DAK force.

Looking forward to getting one of these new tanks and seeing what else you come up with ^_^
"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."
A (Cam)Bridge Too Far - A UK based Bolt Action Tournament


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Re: Introduce Yourself Here...
« Reply #14 on: October 11, 2014, 09:17:14 am »
Hi everyone! I'm Rodrigo, from Portugal. After some years playing lots of science-fiction games, I've turned to Bolt Action and Secrets of the Third Reich. So I'm always on the lookout for just this kind of nice tanks ;)