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Messages - Heisler

Pages: 1 [2]
I would skip the flying stand. If people need it there are plenty of commercial alternatives out there already. Better to keep the costs down.

Showcase & Gallery / Re: Heisler's WIPs
« on: November 16, 2020, 10:28:24 pm »
I finally managed some time at the airbrush booth and did some priming on the STuGs and Jagdpanthers. The STuGs received a spot priming of grey to cover up the glaring white debri shields. I also reprimed the lower hull in black. The Jagdpanthers received a full priming of grey on all the upper surfaces and black on the lower hull. I use the Stynylrez Primer from Badger.

Showcase & Gallery / Re: Heisler's WIPs
« on: October 30, 2020, 02:54:33 am »
On the first victim I have filed down the plastic and added some welding seams, although it’s hard to see it in the pictures. That shield was made from .030 sheet styrene. For the next batch I used two pieces of .010 Styrene sheet glued together. This made it much easier to bend without snapping completely. I then filled the gap with styrene strips and that gets trimmed down to make the weld seam. It also provides some much needed strength to the shield at those junctions.

Showcase & Gallery / Re: Heisler's WIPs
« on: October 26, 2020, 04:35:46 am »
That’s one of the three reference shots I have been using. Good enough I think!

Showcase & Gallery / Re: Bergepanther Help
« on: October 25, 2020, 05:04:56 am »
That is some beautiful work

Showcase & Gallery / Re: Heisler's WIPs
« on: October 24, 2020, 03:09:40 am »
Turning back to my STuGs I think I figured out how to make the debris shield that would cover the gun mantlet. I think, and I have found nothing to contradict it, the debris shield and the “bent” side skirts may be unique to this unit, the 341st Sturmgeschutz-Brigade. I’m mostly doing this to set my models off on the table.

I’m making this from a single piece of styrene scored and bent into shape. I’m feeling, based on a couple of reference shots, that the styrene might still be to thick. Still thinking about the approach. If I go this route I’ll fill the gaps like they were welds and a couple of bolts to each side.


Showcase & Gallery / Re: Heisler's WIPs
« on: October 09, 2020, 10:36:50 pm »
Stalled out on the STuGs while I try and figure out how to make the debris shield over the gun mantlet. So I went back to my Jagdpanthers. The first one is finished and ready for paint, the second one is moving right along and third one is in the box and I hope to start it over the weekend.

One side note; there are two D-rings (C12 & C13). Don’t add them in step 1 as indicated in the instructions. Add them after you have assembled the upper and lower hills together.

Showcase & Gallery / Re: Heisler's WIPs
« on: October 02, 2020, 02:15:41 am »

Working on getting the STuG skirts ready for painting

Showcase & Gallery / Re: Bergepanther Help
« on: October 01, 2020, 08:54:47 pm »
While most model railroad shops are gone, there are plenty of parts available online. I would concentrate on parts in 1/64th (S scale) or 1/48th (American O-Scale) and just look for something the right size for the space.

Showcase & Gallery / Re: Heisler's WIPs
« on: September 26, 2020, 02:51:36 am »
I’m in the detail portion of the build for the M32B1 ARV now, there are some pieces for the cables that will need to be scratch built. I have also just about wrapped up the painting and weathering on my U304(f) project so I can finally get back to my STuG III project. I acquired a book, well several, that has a picture that really caught my attention “STUG III & IV; German Army, Waffen-SS and Luftwaffe, Western Front, 1944-45”. On page 17 is a picture and a color plate of a STuG from the 341st Sturmgeschutz-Brigade. It has modified skirts and a debris shield over the gun mantlet. I thought if I could get match the skirt modification it would be a good unit to model.

Here’s my attempt at the modified side skirts. I think this is a winner, just need to work over the rest of the side skirts and make the debris shield.

Showcase & Gallery / Heisler's WIPs
« on: September 16, 2020, 02:19:29 am »
I'm going to leave the title somewhat generic simply so that I can put my builds into a single post. I tend to work on multiple models and in phases so there is always something going on that I can work on when I only have a few minutes. Even in the middle of this pandemic my wife always seems to find ways to occupy my time with something other than building models.

Phase 1 - Build in progress
Phase 2 - Priming
Phase 3 - Painting in progress.

I break out priming and painting separately since I tend to let models build up here I have enough to make priming worth while or I'm ready for the next item in line. Oh and I'm only including the Rubicon Kits in this list.

Phase 1 - Resin M32B1, Jagdpanther
Phase 2 - M4A3E2 (conversion kit), M4A3/76,
Phase 3 - StuG IIIGs (3) and StuH 42

Introduce Yourself / Re: Introduce Yourself Here...
« on: September 16, 2020, 12:00:05 am »
Good morning

I'm both a modeler and a gamer which means I tend to take my builds a bit farther than I should. I currently have three StuG IIIs and a StuH42 ready for paint, a Jadgpanther currently in progress and almost ready for priming. In addition I just completed a M4A3E2 so its ready for priming and I'm in the middle of building a M32B1.

Like most folks on this board I have a stash of kits that are just waiting in the wings ready to be built.

My historical interests center, primarily on the 21st Panzer Division (North Africa and Normandy) and the 6th Panzer Division in the east so my German builds tend to center around those divisions and their supporting units. As I move forward with my Americans I'm undecided between modeling the 3rd or 4th Armored Divisions. As my completed Shermans are starting to accumulate I'll need to make a decision so I can stock pile the appropriate decals.

Work In Progress / Re: King Tiger - All Sprue Showcase 200828
« on: August 28, 2020, 08:51:49 pm »
That is amazing, I guess I’ll need at least two.

I would like to see numbers for the 3rd company but other than that it’s still a great sheet.

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