Rubicon Models > General Discussions

What's Warlord up to?

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I thought the Warlord Opel was an upscaled PSC kit, however the cab with open windows and doors.

How does t compare to the PSC kit?

Sorry ultravanillasmurf, I didn't think to take pictures of the plastic sprues of the two different kits. What I will end up doing eventually is to take pictures of the trucks side by side, but I'm not sure how Rubicon would feel if I post a picture of a Rubicon kit plus one from another manufacture, so I hesitate.

I can tell you that after being assembled and painted (especially if painted the same) it is not easy to tell the two different kits apart unless you look very closely at the details. To make them even look closer alike, you can even put the seated passengers from Warlord into the Rubicon model.

Speaking of those seated passengers. Ripley, I too was hoping they would work well as single figures. Some can be made into single figures, but this would require making sacrifices.

On Lead Adventures there is a thread where someone has used the passengers for Tank Riders.

Wow , very nice conversions . I'm saving that site  for inspiration

it would be good if 'someone' made a set of German tank riders in winter gear, and then a set of Ruskies. Both in plastic of course.


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