Rubicon Models > Official Assembly Instructions

Tiger 1 Zimmerit


Hi Everyone, I've just completed the Tiger 1 and thought I'd give a quick guide on how I made the Zimmerit coating.

First up I built the hull, but left off all the fittings apart from the MG port. I then slightly roughed up the surface with some fine sand paper and applied a layer of White Milliput to the model to a depth of around 1mm, ensuring it was smooth and even all over.

After leaving the Milliput to harden slightly for around 20 minutes I wet the surface of the Milliput and used a Razor Saw to add texture to Zimmerit by placing the teeth of the saw lightly in the Milliput and dragging it along for a length of maybe 2-3MM. I then lifted the blade up, moved it forwards maybe half a MM then placed it back in the putty and dragged it along another 2-3mm. I kept repeating this process until all the surfaces to be covered were done. It was simple to do, and a little time consuming. I found sticking a film on made the process really painless though!


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