Author Topic: SdKfz 10 Halftrack  (Read 25577 times)


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Re: SdKfz 10 Halftrack
« Reply #30 on: June 25, 2019, 12:57:06 am »
I understand the whining aspect, but with few exceptions, the Germans are going to be featured on almost 90% of every WWII game played that involves Europe.

Germans vrs Polish
Germans vrs Belgiam
Germans vrs Danish
Germans vrs French
Germans vrs BEF (France)
Germans vrs Norwegians
Germans vrs Greek
Germans vrs Russians
Germans vrs British (Desert)
Germans vrs Americans (Desert)
Germans vrs Americans (Italy)
Germans vrs British (Italy)
Germans vrs British (Europe Late War)
Germans vrs Americans (Europe Late War)

So unless someone is gaming Polish vrs Russians, Finnish vrs Russians or Italians vrs British (Desert), one of the two opponents sitting at that gaming table is likely German. So I can understand why any minis company has a larger product catalog of German stuff.

I think Rubicon is doing a pretty good job of offering up "Allied" equipment. With some stunning Shermans in gthe works.


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Re: SdKfz 10 Halftrack
« Reply #31 on: June 25, 2019, 01:55:32 am »
EWG makes a good point.


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Re: SdKfz 10 Halftrack
« Reply #32 on: June 25, 2019, 11:22:56 am »
Quote from: jamesvalentine
If they did an SdKfz 10 all you'd get is every whinging that Rubicon only does German stuff.

And these will be the same people that will say Rubicon only does Sherman tanks when Rubicon Models releases their M4A1 kit.

Quote from: EarlyWarGamer
I understand the whining aspect, but with few exceptions, the Germans are going to be featured on almost 90% of every WWII game played that involves Europe.

And this is the reason why many model and figure manufacturing companies predominately release German stuff, so why should Rubicon Models be any different?

You can never please all the gamers all the time, but you can please the majority of the gamers if you keep releasing "bread and butter" kits. The SdKfz 10 is one of those bread and butter items.


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Re: SdKfz 10 Halftrack
« Reply #33 on: June 25, 2019, 03:30:10 pm »
The SdKfz 10 is one of those bread and butter items.
More like Marmite (other yeast based food stuffs are available). ^___^


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Re: SdKfz 10 Halftrack
« Reply #34 on: June 25, 2019, 07:53:46 pm »
I'm sure a 10 while hit the stores eventually . Soon enough for some folks ? Probably not , but there lots of other kits out there to keep us busy . Between Rubicon ( 7 ) , Warlord (3 ) , Tamiya 1/48 ( 3) and a couple of Eastern European 1/48 kits in my stash , I'm going to be busy building kits  for the next year ( or two ) , and I don't even play the game . It gets released , when it gets released . Both AFV and Dragon have had kits that guys would give their left nut for , on the "to be released soon " list for years and I mean years ( Dragon M3 - announced 8 years ago IRC ) , but there are lots of other kits to build in the mean time , so get building  . If a 10 was released today , would you really have  build it right away , or would it go on the stash pile to wait its turn ?


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Re: SdKfz 10 Halftrack
« Reply #35 on: June 25, 2019, 11:02:47 pm »
Quote from: ripley
If a 10 was released today , would you really have  build it right away ,

Yes, and not just one of them.
It would be nice to have a few to add to all the Rubicon Models Pak38 and Pak40 anti-tank guns I have.
I even have a spare Rubicon Models Pak38 kit to use for one of those SdKfz 10 field modifications.


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Re: SdKfz 10 Halftrack
« Reply #36 on: June 26, 2019, 01:17:43 am »
Oh sure , remind me of those field mods   ::)  .... Your right , the 10 can't come soon enough  :D


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Re: SdKfz 10 Halftrack
« Reply #37 on: June 28, 2019, 08:07:58 am »
I'd like to add not all wargames are played in the ETO, nor are they always played between axis and allied forces.  Pick up games and tournament play often feature allied vs allied or axis vs axis.  It does seem a large # of wargamers choose to play German/Axis forces, but I think this has more to do with acces to late war toys and/or the wheraboo factor than historical reasons.  That Rubicon's release schedule is German leaning really isn't up for debate, and yes I'm tired of Shermans, as a British player it's almost insulting the m4a4 has been left until last, and only as an afterthought to fill a mould.

It's also a substantial assumption to think large numbers of wargamers are interested in purchasing yet another transport/tow.  I know rubicon has been experiencing an identity crisis for some time now, but this is a wargaming scale.


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Re: SdKfz 10 Halftrack
« Reply #38 on: June 28, 2019, 10:49:42 am »
 The M4A4 was already released a year or so by Warlord,  so Rubicon decided to pass on it at that time and concentrate on other Sherman types . Various comments by people on this and other  sites  telling of their , let's just say " displeasure " with the Warlord kit had Rubicon rethink their position and now we look forward to their Sherman M4A4 and variants . Better late than never says I . Identity crisis ? Not sure what you mean . Rubicon have been branching out into some niche type resin kits ,( they do master and production work for other companies as well ) and they tend to challenge  their newer staff by having them work on the weird and wonderful to push the envelope . With only 2 companies ( Warlord/ Italeri & Rubicon ) releasing plastic kits in 28mm - 1/56 we don't have the great variety like the 1/35 guys do with about 30 major companies . Every month there seems to be something cool being released , it might not make everybody happy but , until this scale becomes more main stream , ie , the scale model crowd  buys into it , that's the way its going to be .   Do I like everything Rubicon  propose to release , no but pretty much 75% of their kits , both plastic and resin are going to end up on my hobby bench someday , now weather I ever build them is another story ….
« Last Edit: June 28, 2019, 11:09:00 am by ripley »


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Re: SdKfz 10 Halftrack
« Reply #39 on: June 28, 2019, 04:00:26 pm »
Let me clarify re: "identity crisis"

Rubicon first appeared marketing towards wargamers: simple assembly, multiple varients and expansion kits.

These efforts seem to have failed (look to bundle deals as they try to liquidate expansion inventory that won't sell) and now they seem to be trying to appeal to the scale model/diorama/rivet counter crowd (look to monopose pewter figures/kits and endless Sherman/P IV varients) which I believe to be a vocal minority (especially at this scale)

Don't get me wrong, Rubicon make the best kits in 1/56 (though working with abs plastic, especially their particular formula, sucks) and I absolutely love their product (for the most part it satisfies the magnetization addict in me) but they are clearly reeling and can't quite seem to determine/identify, and market to, their actual audience.


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Re: SdKfz 10 Halftrack
« Reply #40 on: June 28, 2019, 05:31:13 pm »
First, let me agree with Ripley (saves me having to type duplicate text).

As was discussed way back when, the Sherman project was an elegant solution to deliver multiple kits quickly and accurately. The Sherman I, III and IV use common components extensively. The Sherman II has a more complicated hull (lots of odd curves) plus Rubicon decided to supply a new set of running gear. There is plenty of discussion on that on the Sherman project thread.

When the Sherman project started, a number of us asked about the Sherman V. Rubicon said that they were aware that a plastic version was in the pipeline from someone else, and because it was effectively a different vehicle (it would share turrets at the sprue level) it would  not be a priority.

That they have designed and are progressing the Sherman V is great.

There may be some issues with their initial add on packs, which from your posting and other comments indicates that base vehicle and add on packs are being bundled. That is to be expected over time, and might indicate an evolution in marketing approach based on feedback. Another example is the 251 multi-kit, that probably contains lots of nice stuff that most wargamers do not need, when they are after a base half track. Hence that evolved into the add on kits.

The Sherman and Panzer IV are bread and butter tanks, Rubicon's clever engineering and design has allowed them to supply a large range of variants and that will appeal to the wargaming modeller.

Their more off-the-wall models (fencing, walls etc) are as Ripley pointed out making money from test piece development.

The giant mortar is one of those "look what we can do" centre-pieces, they will not sell many (possibly - though if you look through the Forge World catalogue, I may be wrong).


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Re: SdKfz 10 Halftrack
« Reply #41 on: June 29, 2019, 05:14:59 pm »
They know who their market is, it’s both wargamers and diorama creators, plus other companies who use their services for other purposes than models.

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Rubicon Models

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Re: SdKfz 10 Halftrack
« Reply #42 on: October 01, 2019, 05:23:13 pm »
Your wish fulfilled... but we had a feeling that you will be asking for an SdKfz 10/4 or 10/5 soon!    :P



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Re: SdKfz 10 Halftrack
« Reply #43 on: October 01, 2019, 06:37:36 pm »
Quote from: Rubicon Models
Your wish fulfilled... but we had a feeling that you will be asking for an SdKfz 10/4 or 10/5 soon!    :P

I will be very surprised if this plastic SdKfz 10 kit does not sell well when it finally comes out.

I was tempted to get at least a couple of the resin kits, but now I'm glad I didn't order the resin ones.

This will be first 1:56 (28mm) scale SdKfz 10 in plastic kit to be released, and because its RM, it should be really good. I was wondering which company (Rubicon Models or Warlord/Italeri) would be the first to release the SdKfz 10 in plastic kit form.


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Re: SdKfz 10 Halftrack
« Reply #44 on: October 02, 2019, 02:43:21 am »
Right, what are we all going to ask for next? :p
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