Rubicon Models > Work In Progress

Willys MB Jeep - More Plastic Upgrades 200131

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Rubicon Models:

--- Quote from: airborne on December 10, 2015, 04:05:37 am ---My first vehicle when I was 16, and my pride and joy for years. Please include the iconic trailer as most are around some were, if not in every photo. You made me smile.

--- End quote ---

The trailer had to be on a separate kit... sorry!

You have just made me a very happy man! I will stop commenting jeep on everything now :p

If you can do one jeep on one frame, I would highly recommend selling them two to a box for the same price (or slightly less as its only one mould and not two) as your other 2 frame kits. Save's on packaging and no one is going to complain about having two!

Well I won`t complain at all if you do a trailer separate that's fine with me.  Jeep ,M8/20, Halftrack, and the Stuart that's a fine start for a cavalry section. Brilliant.

One thing the radio bracket mount, I put mine there first, and had it knocked off over Cannock chase by a tree. Best and safest place on the rear protecting the trailer socket. I`ll dig out some photos.


We will want a range of crew for all the user armies (please).


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