Author Topic: Introduce Yourself Here...  (Read 98579 times)


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Re: Introduce Yourself Here...
« Reply #15 on: October 12, 2014, 03:38:20 am »

Benjamin, French born in 1977.

Great fan of WWII of course and other post WWII conflict, WWI and pre WWI... so I like some things !

I'm playing WWII with Bolt Action rules.

I have a early war French army and very late war german army, US army and Italian army.


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Re: Introduce Yourself Here...
« Reply #16 on: October 12, 2014, 08:20:30 pm »
Hi everyone ;)

I'm Laurent from France, Lille exactly.
Facinated by WWII and WW1 tanks battle, i play wargames (RoE, BA, Blitzkrieg, FoW, Great War) 28mm and 15mm.
I have a business modeller and I assemble and painted models for wargamers.

I hope to meet Team Rubicon Models Crisis or Salute. soon on the forum.

Best regards


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Re: Introduce Yourself Here...
« Reply #17 on: October 12, 2014, 10:53:44 pm »
Hi my names Jim . I've been building model tanks since the early 1970s . First Airfix , then Bandai and Aurora , then on to 1/35 Tamiya . After many years of marriage and kids  I came back to 1/35 scale tanks , and now have about 45 built . I got in to building 1/56 tanks after the local hobby shop started to bring in Bolt Action plastic kits , and I've picked up half a dozen . I don't play the game though , the fun part is building and converting the tank kit . Opening up hatches , casting spare track and adding crew figures and stowage, stuff like that . Now if I could just find the right pieces in the spares box , I'm going to start adding internal details , engines , crew seats and gun breaches ' Can't wait for Rubicon's kits to hit the market place


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Re: Introduce Yourself Here...
« Reply #18 on: October 13, 2014, 07:57:29 pm »
Hi I'm Andy, really excited about this range!
I live in Kent and am lucky enough to have managed to give up a day job to paint models full time instead, and can't wait to get these T34's into my early war Russian collection


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Re: Introduce Yourself Here...
« Reply #19 on: October 16, 2014, 04:39:37 am »
Hi to ALL :)!!!

My name is Igor.
I am thirty-eight years old, a husband and father of two. I live in Serbia, Lazarevac.

I started assembling and painting scale-models, drawing and painting with acrylics at an early age and turned to painting war-gaming miniatures some eight years ago. Ever since I got into war-gaming, I have worked on acquiring new painting skills and improving extant ones, learning from experienced painters, on-line tutorials and experimentation alike.

While my beginnings in this field were tied to Games Workshop’s Space Marines, I soon turned to Flames of War. I felt at home with this setting; however I always felt the 15mm scale was a bit too small. When Bolt Action appeared, I finally found something perfectly suited to my tastes in both scale and setting.

Over the past several years I have set-up a painting service and have been painting an ever increasing number of models from all major war-gaming and skirmish systems on the market. Lately, more than a few of those belonged to the Bolt Action range, which is quickly gaining popularity in these parts. The experience I accumulated while painting orders contributed to my ability to paint fast without sacrificing quality in the process.

I am proficient in the use of a wide variety of painting techniques, and frequently share my experiences and offer tutorials on my blog: and on my facebook page:


CHEERS  :D !!!


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Re: Introduce Yourself Here...
« Reply #20 on: October 16, 2014, 09:48:12 am »
Greetings all. I'm known as Bronco_6, my old radio call sign. I just started Bolt Action and love the game. I am playing it in 28mm and am building another army in 15mm.

I will not build Germans because my natural feelings against the Nazis but I will build the Americans and fight them. I am also going to build British, Russians, French, Japanese(maybe Italians) and everyone else that I can. By the way, I have no hard feelings against those that want to run Germans either. Got to have someone to fight.

I served in the early '70's in the US Army as a Ranger in 2nd Battalion. Then I got out and hadn't gotten the wanderlust out of my system so I joined the Legion in France and spent five years in from '75-'80. Was involved in the airdrop into Kolwezi in the Congo in 1978. That got it out of my system.

Love miniatures and building figures and models and have built them professionally or "Military Modeler" and "Scale Modeler" magazine in the '80's. Have been building them since the early '60's. Been a Wargamers since 1970 at UCLA with my brother. Love the models that Rubicon is releasing and can't wait for them to come out. When? When? When?

J. Dale Himebaugh (Bronco_6)


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Re: Introduce Yourself Here...
« Reply #21 on: October 16, 2014, 04:58:03 pm »
Hi everyone!

I come from Warsaw, Poland. Aged 38, married with two kids. Iąve been in the wargaming for 15 years, starting from Warhammer, WH40K and Lord of the Rings later. In my huge collection you can find also Necromunda, Mordheim, BF Gothic, Confrontation, Waterloo or By Fire And Sword. Recently I do mostly Bolt Action and Wolsung SSG, and a bit of X-Wing (with my 9-year-old daughter  :D ).
I used to work for Games Workshop for over 6 years, being responsible for events (Grand Tournament, Golden Demon), trade and finally retail.
Besides wargaming I do re-enactment - late 14 century (Projekt 14) and cavalryman in Napoleonic (Duchy of Warsaw).

All the best to everyone - cheers!


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Re: Introduce Yourself Here...
« Reply #22 on: October 22, 2014, 08:42:04 pm »
Hi All,

Keith here  :)

Been playing with toy soldiers for most of my 40 years, and building models (for wargaming and fun) for most of that time.
I part-own a small UK company called Empress Miniatures and have a life-long passion for all things World War Two.

I've been watching Rubicon closely since they first announced their vehicles and am very keen to get my hands on a few!


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Re: Introduce Yourself Here...
« Reply #23 on: October 24, 2014, 03:21:50 pm »
Hi, I am John and I have been a wargamer for 40 odd years. I have the great good fortune to work in the industry.  I play a variety of games but I am a big fan of Bolt Action and have a late war US force,  Gebirgsjager, DAK and am contemplating more.


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Re: Introduce Yourself Here...
« Reply #24 on: October 31, 2014, 03:45:07 am »
My main interest is WW2, specifically operations on the Eastern Front in the period from Barbarossa to Fall Blau.

I have a collection of various resin pieces from a number of manufacturers, but up till now have avoided plastic because it's either been 1/48 scale modellers kits - I've done my time building multipart running gear thank you - or, if 1/56 scale, has been mid to late war, so outside my time frame.

Rubicon's decision to make the T34 with a 40/41 model option, and the Panzer III, may change that...

Especially if a 251/C appears...

Suetonius Paullinus

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Re: Introduce Yourself Here...
« Reply #25 on: November 07, 2014, 02:46:49 am »

My main interest is anything plastic in our hobby. Any era really, but WWI and II in 28mm are main focus.
Plenty of 28mm plastic infantry are thankfully available but vehicles is another question. I'm not a fan of resin and therefore I haven't enough armour in my arsenal.
This is about to change by the looks of it  8)

I'm 46, married with 3 daughters, living in Suffolk/ UK.
I post fairly regularly over at SD, Warlord and TMP under the same nickname.




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Re: Introduce Yourself Here...
« Reply #26 on: November 07, 2014, 08:02:17 pm »
Hi gang.

Swedish, 40-something, two kids, been wargaming as far as I can remember even down to throwing rocks at Airfix toy soldiers in the playground sandbox. A Too Fat Lardies fan boy, old GW addict, Star Wars fanatic, model builder, also do roleplaying and a bit of LARP-ing, but as I get older I prefer staying indoors painting wee little tanks.

I game WW2 in 6mm, 20mm, 28mm and have been thinking of doing it in 1/48 scale too. Hate scale creep.


  • Cadet
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Re: Introduce Yourself Here...
« Reply #27 on: November 08, 2014, 12:35:13 am »
Hi everyone,

I'm 27 and I've almost finished my PhD in evolutionary biology. Modeling and gaming has been a huge part of my life since I was very young and luckily for me I have a fiance that accepts it :) I've joined up today to show my support to Rubicon for producing some excellent kits. I received my Shermans today and they are brilliant!

What we really need in historical wargaming is a company producing detailed plastic 1/56 (28mm) scale vehicles and I'm really pleased that now there is one :)   


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Re: Introduce Yourself Here...
« Reply #28 on: November 14, 2014, 08:55:07 am »
Hi. My name is Jose living in Sevilla and born in 1956. I start with bolt action and my army is german late. I like rubicon models and my question: Marder III, Nashorn, Brumbar...when?. Thank´s

Thomas Nissvik

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Re: Introduce Yourself Here...
« Reply #29 on: November 19, 2014, 06:38:45 pm »
Hello everyone
My name is Thomas, born 1972, Swede, living just outside Stockholm with wife-in-all-but-name, no kids. I work in IT and I have been playing miniature games since I bought the Epic Space Marine box back in the early '90s. I game mostly WW2 and Middle Earth, both using games from TooFatLardies, Chain of Command and Dux Britanniarum respectively. I am a TFL fanboy and official Lard Ambassador.