
If we are to do a plastic SdKfz 250, which version you would like to see?

Alte - from mid-41 to Oct 43, but in use till end of war
Neu - from late 43 onward to end of war

Author Topic: Proposed Project: SdKfz 250 Alte or Neu ??  (Read 23963 times)

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Re: Proposed Project: SdKfz 250 Alte or Neu ??
« Reply #30 on: July 06, 2015, 04:57:38 pm »
With the Prototypes of the Upgrades for the 251 in mind, are there any of those that might fit on the 250?
(like the mortar & the stummel - at least for the late version)

and if not maybe the might be combinded for both if few changes are needed (as in extra parts)

Here is a cross-reference which of these variant components can be used on the SdKfz 250:

251/1 with sPzB 41 - C & D and 250/11
251/2 Mortar Carrier - C & D and 250/7
251/10 with 3.7cm PaK 36 - C & D and 250/10

There are also plans to do SdKfz 250 ONLY variants... but not until we have the basic kit released.
NOTE: There are no release date!
