Rubicon Models > Work In Progress

Neucraft Resin - PzKpfw 38H 735(f) 170906

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Wow. So much quicker!

lou passejaire:
some decals planned ?  ;)

As mentioned on the M24 wishlist thread, I wondered what kind of resin you will use?

Not having seen the original Neucraft models, I have no idea what was used.

Rubicon Models:
Preparation work continues prior to the re-release of the Neucraft resin kits.
New assembly instructions are now completed.  Still waiting for the moulds
to be done, then trail casting before the final commercial run!


My reference suggests 50 Renault R35's were in use by the Poles in September 1939. It also indicates there were a few (probably three) Hotchkiss H35's also in their inventory. Although very similar to the H39 I believe there were differences. Wikipedia suggests these were H39's but without pictures of the tanks in Polish service I can't be sure whether they were 35's or 39's. Anyway most potential purchasers of these are likely to building a French force and H39's will be a welcome addition to the line up.


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